Rehab with Results

About Best Physical Therapy

At Best Physical Therapy you receive quality one-on-one care from an experienced, licensed physical therapist. We combine physical and manual therapies for an individualized approach to care. We encourage you to actively participate in the healing process, so that you can manage your condition or prevent re-injury long after your time with us is done.

Symptoms are not always the problem. At Best Physical Therapy, we do a complete assessment to locate and treat the problem at its core. We look at the effect your work, home, recreation, and activities may be having on your body. We adjust your treatment as your recovery progresses and your treatment needs change.

Spine Physical Therapy
Ernesto Aguila, PT

Meet Our Director of Rehab
Ernesto Aguila, PT

“My goal is to use my years of training and experience to partner with patients to relieve their pain and help to improve the quality of life for long term. To fulfill this goal, I draw on my comprehensive capabilities and skills in hands on therapy every day. It is very gratifying to have the ability to help people regain the use of their body so they can finally return to work and play”


Best Physical Therapy accepts Medicare and numerous insurances. Our expert billing staff obtains all authorizations and verifications needed from your insurance company. If your insurance plan does not appear on this list, call us. More plans are available.

Maryland Medicaid
Carefirst HMO/PPO
Carefirst Blue Choice
Maryland Physicians Care
Department of Labor
Workers Comp
Align Networks
Care IQ
Accident related cases handled by auto insurances
Attorney Handled Cases

Note:If your insurance plan is not on the list, contact us for further information!

Medicare / Medicaid Physical Therapy